Today, February 8, 2023, the photography exhibition entitled “Indomitable Africa”, by Enrique Aguilar Montalvo, was inaugurated at the headquarters of the Humbolt Foundation, in Quito. Ecuadorian writer, photographer and filmmaker, who by his own means traveled a few years ago to the border between Namibia and Angola in search of nomadic populations, in an effort to find the origins of the human being, as he told us tonight to those of us who accompanied him at the inauguration of this exhibition. From that extraordinary experience he captured with his lens a series of images that, as of today, are exhibited in the central gallery of the Humboldt Foundation. Enrique is also the director of the Pueblos de América Foundation, which in a short time has positioned itself as one of the most important cultural centers in the Ecuadorian capital. Few, very few Ecuadorians have been interested in the African continent, and fewer have ventured camera in hand into the depths of its jungles, cities and deserts to capture images that transport us to the very origin of life. Congratulations Enrique and thank you very much for letting us know about this fabulous experience.